9 Expert Tips to Keep Your Dog Safe While You’re Away for the Day

“Ensuring Your Canine Companion’s Well-Being When You’re Not at Home”

Dogs alone at Home

Leaving your beloved four-legged friend at home when you’re away for the day can be a source of worry for many pet owners. Ensuring the safety and well-being of your canine companion during your absence is of utmost importance. From potential hazards to the pangs of loneliness, various factors need to be considered when establishing a secure environment for your dog. In this article from Get a Granny, we will delve into a range of expert advice and strategies to assist you in ensuring your dog’s safety, mental engagement, and happiness while you’re away. Whether you’re planning to rent an apartment in Cape Town, Western Cape or buy a home in Johannesburg, Gauteng with your dog, these insights will offer valuable guidance to make those hours of separation worry-free for both you and your cherished furry friend.

1. Ask a Neighbour or Friend to Check In:

Opting for kennelling your dog is a reliable choice that offers assurance about your dog’s safety during your absence. Nevertheless, for individuals with extended work hours, confining their dog to a kennel may not be the most suitable solution.

If you have a dog that is allowed to roam freely in the house, consider having a conversation with a neighbour or a friend to inquire if they can stop by to check on your furry companion. Alternatively, you can explore the option of using an Auto Track Wireless Wi-Fi IP Camera if you don’t have a friend or neighbour available for this task.

2. Remove Choking Hazards and Toxic Substances:

To guarantee your dog’s safety during your absence, establish a pet-friendly area that is devoid of potential hazards. Make certain to eliminate choking risks and secure toxic substances to prevent access.

It is essential to eliminate choking hazards to minimize the chances of accidental ingestion, especially since dogs, particularly puppies, tend to investigate objects with their mouths. Moreover, it is critical to ensure the removal of toxic substances to protect your dog’s well-being.

3. Kennel Train Your Pup:

Crate training is a valuable practice in offering a safe and protected environment for your puppy, especially when they are left without supervision. Furthermore, it plays a role in setting a routine and contributes to housebreaking, as dogs naturally avoid soiling their own living quarters.

It’s essential to commence crate training for your puppy at a young age to establish a secure space and minimize accidents when you’re not around. For longer periods of absence, think about enlisting the services of a professional dog walker to cater to your pup’s requirements and possibly alleviate any stress. By combining crate training with the assistance of a dog walker, you can rest assured that your beloved furry companion is content, healthy, and secure whether you’re at home or away.

A dog’s crate is akin to their personal apartment. It serves as their sanctuary, a refuge where they can unwind away from our presence. Additionally, the crate functions as a protective haven, shielding them from potential dangers within the home or apartment when you’re not present. These dangers may include chewing on electrical cords, furniture, or plastic items. You can enhance their comfort in the crate by leaving their favourite blanket, and if they are not inclined to chew, consider providing them with a Nyla bone or a bone for added enjoyment.

Gradually introducing your puppy to the crate and progressively extending the time they spend inside it allows you to create a den-like environment, like how humans have their own bedrooms, where your pup can seek refuge whenever necessary. In this designated space, they can feel secure and at ease, even when you’re not around. This approach is particularly beneficial for puppies prone to getting into trouble when left home alone, as it provides a confined area with only pet-safe items for them to engage with.

When deciding to leave items with your dog, it’s crucial to understand your dog’s individual needs and behaviours. The goal is to return home to a joyous, vibrant, and affectionate furry friend who is happy, healthy, and eagerly awaiting your love and attention.

4. Leave Music On for Your Dog:

Leaving music on for your dog can create a soothing and comforting atmosphere, which can help mitigate feelings of anxiety and loneliness when they’re left alone at home. The calming melodies can also serve as a distraction, lowering the chances of boredom-induced destructive behaviour and fostering a more relaxed state of mind for your beloved furry companion.

Leaving music on for your pets when they are on their own can address various issues such as boredom, enrichment, separation anxiety, and noise sensitivity through the therapeutic influence of music. Extended periods of silence can make your pet more sensitive to sounds. Even minor noises can become startling and unexpected for them. These heightened sensitivities might lead to fear of similar sounds, like fireworks and thunder. In addition to toys and treats, a valuable aid is the use of calming sounds or white noise to provide comfort and reassurance to your furry friend.

5. Don’t Leave Your Dog in the Yard:

If you’re planning to be away for the day, it’s not advisable to leave your dog in the yard unsupervised. Unpredictable weather, the presence of other animals, and hidden environmental hazards make it an unsafe choice for your pet when you’re not around. It’s always best to ensure your dog’s safety and well-being by providing a secure and controlled indoor environment or suitable shelter when you’re away.

6. Understand Where Your Dog is At:

Ensuring your dog’s safety when you’re not at home depends on your specific circumstances. If you have an older dog that is familiar with your home, allowing them to roam freely and relax wherever they choose might be suitable. However, if you have a new dog or a dog that is not yet acquainted with your home, it’s a good idea to manage their space. Creating a secure area where there are no items your dog can chew up or swallow, and where any accidents will not damage rugs or furniture, is a prudent approach to safeguard your pet and your belongings.

By ensuring that your dog does not have access to chew furniture or soil in inappropriate places, you are establishing a path for their success, and this approach will likely reduce your own frustration as well. It’s a win-win situation that helps create a harmonious living environment for both you and your furry companion.

7. Provide Interactive Puzzle Toys:

Interactive puzzle toys engage your dog’s mental and physical capabilities, preventing boredom and stimulating their cognitive abilities. Much like physical exercise, mental stimulation is essential for maintaining your dog’s happiness and overall well-being.

That’s why we highly recommend interactive puzzle toys, as they are excellent for keeping your dog mentally engaged, alleviating boredom, and can even contribute to their calmness when left alone. Encouraging your dog to harness their innate curiosity and instincts to sniff, dig, chew, and forage is a wonderful way to provide them with a mental workout. Moreover, it offers a healthy avenue for them to engage in activities that can prevent unwanted behaviour.

8. Utilize Baby and Dog Fences

Utilizing dog or baby gates is an effective way to establish secure, designated areas for your dogs, preventing their access to potentially dangerous areas or rooms with restricted entry. Ensuring the safety of your dogs at home when you’re not there can often be a source of anxiety and challenges. However, employing tactics like baby/dog fences that serve as barriers can offer your dog’s more freedom than a crate while still confining them to a specific area, ultimately enhancing their safety.

9. Consider Hiring a Dog-Walking Company:

If your dog is particularly active, it’s worth considering the option of hiring a professional dog walking company to provide them with extra exercise during the day. This not only offers physical activity but also mental stimulation for your pup, promoting their overall physical and mental well-being even when you’re not available to be with them.

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