Terms & Conditions

Pet & House Sitting Services Ts & Cs

We now require clients to read and agree to our terms of conditions before booking pet sitting appointments:

These terms and conditions are provided as a service agreement between Get a Granny and the Client. Get a Granny will be hereinafter referred to as the “Pet Sitter”.

With this agreement, the Pet Sitter is authorized to perform care and services as outlined under our service offering, and which shall apply to any and all pets and property owned by Client.

Please Note: A pet/house sitting visit booking will be confirmed in writing once the dates have been agreed and the booking fee has been paid.


1) The Pet Sitter herewith agrees to provide the services as discussed in a reliable, caring, and trustworthy manner. In consideration of these services and as an express condition thereof, the Client expressly waives and relinquishes any and all claims against the Pet Sitter.

2) Get a Granny reserves the right to refuse service to any Client, at any time, for any reason.

3) Live-In – Safe and secure off-street parking must be provided to the pet sitter for the duration of their stay.

4) Sitter Start and End Time – We will charge for an extra day should the sitter be required to arrive before 7:00am on the day the sitting starts or leave after 12:00pm on the day the sitting ends.


1) The Client agrees to pay all charges incurred for services rendered. The Client understands that full payment due must reflect in the Get a Granny bank account a minimum of 36 hours before the commencement of services. The non-refundable booking fee must be paid on day of booking. No booking confirmation will be issued unless the booking fee has been paid.

2) The Client agrees to pay all charges incurred for services rendered. The Client understands that full payment due must reflect in the Get a Granny bank account a minimum of 36 hours before the commencement of services. The non-refundable booking fee must be paid on day of booking. No booking confirmation will be issued unless the booking fee has been paid.

3) Get a Granny reserves the right to charge a cancellation fee of 30% of the scheduled visit’s cost for services which are cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice prior to the scheduled service.

4) All Daily Visits outside a 10km radius of Protea Hoogte Spar, Brackenfell, and the Clients Residence will be charged a travel rate of R4.50 per kilometre.


1) If a medical emergency arises, the Pet Sitter will make every effort to contact the Client before seeking medical treatment for the pet(s).

However, if time is of the essence or Pet Sitter is unable to reach Client, Client authorizes Pet Sitter to take the pet(s) to the nearest veterinary hospital for treatment.

2) The Client agrees to take full liability for medical bills and to reimburse Pet Sitter for all services rendered to the pet(s) should such a medical emergency arise, and Client releases the Pet Sitter from any and all liabilities related to transportation, treatment, and expenses.

3) The Client is responsible for making sure that all pets have received all current required and recommended vaccinations as is required by the South African Veterinary Association and your local Municipality.

4) In the event that the Pet Sitter or a third-party (another pet or person) is bitten or injured by Client’s pet(s), the Client herewith agrees to pay all damages, medical expenses, costs, and lost wages incurred by the Pet Sitter or third-party due to such injury.

5) Client agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Pet Sitter in the event of a claim by any person injured by Client’s pet. The Pet Sitter is not responsible, nor will be held liable, for any damages, veterinary expenses incurred on pet(s) during or after the pet(s) stay with Pet sitter.

6) Get a Granny shall exercise all precautions against sickness, injury, escape, loss, accidents, or death of Client’s pet(s). However, Get a Granny is not responsible for sickness, injury, escape, loss accidents or death of Client’s pet(s).


1) The Pet Sitter shall not be held responsible for any damage to property owned by Client or third parties. This includes, but in no way is limited to, water leaks or matters involving electrical systems.

2) The Client must please also ensure that all valuables are locked away and kept safe during the Pet Sitter’s stay, as the Pet Sitter will not be held liable for any loss of or damages to property.

3) The Pet Sitter will also not be held liable for any damages to property or pets if client allows any other person, whether it’s a neighbour, friend, family member or other person to enter the home during the time the Pet Sitter is sitting for the Client’s pet(s).

If Client does allow access to someone other than the Pet Sitter during the duration of the Pet Sitter’s job, Pet Sitting services will not be rendered unless arranged with Get a Granny beforehand.

4) The Pet Sitter will not be liable for any loss or damage in the event that a Client’s home is burglarized during the Pet Sitter’s stay. The Client specifically agrees that he/she will secure the home prior to leaving and that the Client will provide the Pet Sitter with written instructions on how to properly secure the home.

5) It is the sole responsibility of the Client to make sure that their home and yard are “pet-proofed” as the Pet Sitter will not be held responsible for any furniture damage or other damages caused to the home by pet.

6) The Pet Sitter is also not liable for pets that are left outside or may escape from client’s property when the Pet Sitter is not present. For example: A pet who uses a doggy door, or pets who live and stay outside at all times.

7) As it is not always guaranteed that a yard will be 100% secure, the Pet Sitter therefore does not accept responsibility or liability for any customer’s pets that escape, are injured, or become lost, fatal or otherwise, when pets are left out or given access to a fenced in area. This includes electronic, wood, metal, or any other fence type.

8) Get a Granny and its Pet Sitters will not make copies of client’s key(s).

9) Get a Granny has permission to provide client’s key(s) to any representative of Get a Granny for the care of Client’s pets. This includes Pet Sitters under Get a Granny’s employment for the duration of pet sitting/pet care services/bookings.


All dogs must be on a leash at ALL times when Pet Sitter is in care of pets on walks/trips to the park. Get a Granny does not provide off-leash services.


1) In the event of inclement weather or natural disaster, the Pet Sitter will use their best judgment in caring for Client’s pet(s) and home but will not be held responsible for any damage to Client’s home or injury to Client’s pet arising from such decision.

2) The Pet Sitter will communicate with the Client, but the Client herewith agrees that the Pet Sitter may proceed, should the Client not be reachable in a timely manner.


Client authorizes the use of pet(s) pictures on Get a Granny’s website, social media and/or marketing materials for promotional purposes.


1) Get a Granny reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or replace the terms at any time.

2) If the alterations constitute a material change to the terms, Get a Granny will notify Client. What constitutes a material change will be determined at Get a Granny’s sole discretion, and Client will be responsible for reviewing and becoming familiar with any such modifications. Using any of Get a Granny services following notification of a material change to the terms shall constitute Client’s acceptance of modified terms.

These terms and conditions of service apply to all our services.

Liability Clause

  1. This clause specifies the entire liability of Get a Granny, including, without limitation, liability for negligence. In particular (but without limitation) all statutory, expressed, implied or collateral terms, conditions or warranties are excluded.
  2. Get a Granny shall under no circumstances be liable (including liability for negligence) for any loss, damage to property, injury to persons, injury or loss of animals that the customer or any third party may suffer, no matter when or how arising, specifically including (but without limitation) refunds of fees, financial loss, loss of contracts, loss of income, loss of anticipated business, loss of accommodation, cost of replacement, cost of repair, savings use, goodwill or any other form of consequential loss.
  3. Any service(s) provided herein is provided on an “as-is” basis and Get a Granny makes no express or implied warranties or representations of whatsoever nature with respect to any such service.
  4. The customer shall and hereby does indemnify Get a Granny-
  5. Against any damage, loss or liability arising from the provision of services to the customer, its family and friends, its employees, directors, agents and / or representatives.
  6. From any claim by any third party arising directly or indirectly out of or related to the customer’s use of services rendered by Get a Granny and
  7. Under no circumstances whatsoever will Get a Granny’s liability, if any and whether in contract or otherwise, exceed the aggregate of the amounts actually paid by the customer to Get a Granny.

Privacy Policy


  1. Definitions

The following words and phrases have these meanings in this document:
1.1. “Personal Information” has the meaning as defined in POPI.
1.2. “POPI” means the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013.
1.3. “Process” in relation to Personal Information means to collect, organise, store, modify, retrieve, refer to, distribute, or erase, or otherwise as defined in POPI.
1.4. Us”, “we” or “our” means Get A Granny and also includes reference to our holding company and its subsidiaries or Trading As names.
1.5. “Site” means Internet World Wide website at URL www.getagranny.co.za
1.6. “You” or the “user” means any person who accesses the Site for any purpose.

  1. Status and Amendments

2.1. We respect and recognise the importance of protecting your privacy. This privacy policy statement sets out our information gathering and dissemination practices in respect of the Site.
2.2. This Website Privacy Policy forms part of the Website Terms of Use of this Site. If you do not agree with this Website Privacy Policy and the Website Terms of Use, then you may not use this Site and are required to cease doing so immediately.
2.3. We reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions of this Website Privacy Policy at any time without notice. It is your duty to be aware of the current version of this Website Privacy Policy. Please refer to the last revision number and date at the top of this document. Continued use of the Site subsequent to any amendments having been effected constitutes your acceptance of the Website Privacy Policy as amended.

  1. Collection and Processing of Personal Information

3.1. Where you submit Personal Information via the Site the following principles are observed in the handling of that information:
3.1.1. We will only collect Personal Information for a purpose consistent with the purpose for which it is required. The specific purpose for which information is collected will be apparent from the context in which it is requested.
3.1.2. We will only Process Personal Information in a manner that is adequate, relevant and not excessive in the context of the purpose for which it is Processed.
3.1.3. Personal Information will only be Processed for a purpose compatible with that for which it was collected, unless you have consented to an alternative purpose in writing or we are permitted by POPI or in terms of national legislation of general application.
3.1.4. We will not disclose any Personal Information relating to you to any third party unless your prior written agreement is obtained or we are required to do so by law.
3.1.5. We will destroy or delete any Personal Information that is no longer needed by us for the purpose it was initially collected, or subsequently Processed.
3.2. Note that, as permitted by POPI, we may use Personal Information collected to compile profiles for statistical purposes. No information contained in the profiles or statistics will be able to be linked to any specific user.

  1. Collection of anonymous data

4.1. We may use standard technology to collect information about the use of this Site. This technology is not able to identify individual users but simply allows us to collect statistics.
4.2. We may utilise temporary or session cookies (a cookie is a small file that is placed on your hard drive) to keep track of users’ browsing habits. This allows us to track your use of this Site as well as your visits to other websites. Other websites may also use these cookies to track your browsing habits.
4.3. Cookies by themselves will not be used to identify users personally but we may use them to compile de-identified statistics relating to use of services offered or to provide us with feedback on the performance of this Site.
4.4. The following classes of information may be collected in respect of users who have enabled cookies:
4.4.1. The browser software used;
4.4.2. IP address;
4.4.3. Date and time of activities while visiting the Site;
4.4.4. URLs of internal pages visited; and
4.4.5. referring websites, search engines and the like.
4.5. If you do not wish cookies to be employed to customise your interaction with this Site it is possible to alter the manner in which your browser handles cookies. Please note that, if this is done, certain services on the Site may not be available to you.

  1. Security

5.1. We will take appropriate, reasonable technical and organisational measures as required by applicable law to protect the information submitted to or collected by this Site from loss, misuse, unauthorised disclosure, alteration or destruction.

  1. Links to other Websites

6.1. We have no control over and accept no responsibility for the privacy practices of any third party websites to which hyperlinks may have been provided and we strongly recommend that you review the privacy policy of any website you visit before using it further.

  1. Queries

7.1. If you have any queries about this Privacy Policy please contact us by emailing us at:

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