Your Guide to Selecting a Dog Trainer: What to Look For and What to Ask

“Choosing the Right Trainer: Essential Criteria and Key Questions to Consider”

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Training your dog is a vital responsibility, and seeking professional assistance can make a significant difference. But with the dog training industry being unregulated, how can you find the right trainer for your pup? Different trainers use various methods, and it’s crucial to choose one that suits both your dog’s temperament and your training objectives. Asking the right questions is key to ensuring the trainer you select is the best fit for you and your furry companion. Read on to learn how to choose a skilled and dependable dog trainer.

What are Your Dog’s Training Needs and Goals?

Before selecting a trainer, it’s essential to identify your needs and goals for your dog’s training. Determine what you want your dog to learn or achieve. Here are some common training categories to consider:

  • Basic Obedience
  • Advanced Training
  • Agility Training
  • Therapy Animal Training
  • Service Animal Training
  • Personal Protection
  • Behavioural Issues (e.g., Aggression, Separation Anxiety, ADHD, OCD)

Different trainers specialize in different areas, so ensure that the trainer you choose has the expertise to meet your dog’s specific training requirements.

Behaviourists Vs. Dog Trainer

If your dog is experiencing behavioural issues, it’s important to note that not all dog trainers are behaviourists. However, many modern and reputable trainers incorporate principles from behavioural science into their methods. Applied behaviour analysis, a core component of behavioural science, is fundamental to understanding and modifying animal behaviour, including that of dogs.

A behaviourist, in the context of dog training, typically has specialized education in animal behaviour, often holding advanced degrees in fields such as ethology or applied animal behaviour. These professionals are trained to analyse and modify behaviour by considering factors like learning theory, environmental influences, and the animal’s natural instincts.

Types of Dog Training Methods

There are various dog training methods, each with its own philosophy and techniques. Trainers may use a mix of these methods or focus on one specific approach:

  1. Positive Reinforcement: Rewards good behaviour with treats, praise, or toys to encourage dogs to repeat desired behaviours.
  2. Clicker Training: Associates a clicking sound with positive reinforcement, providing a clear signal for desired behaviour.
  3. Negative Reinforcement: Removes an aversive stimulus when the dog behaves correctly, encouraging the dog to avoid or stop undesirable behaviours.
  4. Marker Training: Uses a specific word or sound as a marker for good behaviour, helping dogs associate the marker with positive consequences.
  5. Relationship-Based Training: Focuses on an individualized approach, fostering communication and strengthening the bond between dog and human. The relationship drives the training process.
  6. Alpha Dog / Dominance Training: Establishes the owner as the “alpha” or dominant figure, emphasizing pack hierarchy and structure.
  7. Scientific Training: Utilizes principles of animal behaviour and learning, relying on evidence-based methods.
  8. Electronic Collar Training: Uses remote-controlled collars to deliver stimuli. This method can be controversial and should be used with caution.
  9. Behaviour Modification: Addresses and changes specific behaviours, targeting and correcting problematic actions.
  10. Balanced Dog Training: Combines positive reinforcement techniques and correction-based methods, aiming to balance rewards for desired behaviours and consequences for unwanted behaviours.

Where to Start Looking for a Dog Trainer

Now that you’re prepared to begin exploring your options, start by seeking referrals from trusted sources, such as:

  • Dog Breeder or Rescue Group
  • Groomer
  • Veterinarian
  • Pet Parent Friends
  • Pet Sitter
  • Dog Walker

These individuals can often provide valuable recommendations based on their experiences with dog trainers.

Important Questions to Ask a Dog Trainer

  1. What are your Training Methods? Ensure their methods align with your values and the temperament of your dog. Ask them to explain their methods in detail to avoid terms used as marketing tactics.
  2. What is Your Training Philosophy? Understand their overall approach and mindset towards dog training.
  3. Can I Observe a Training Session or Class? Meet a Current Client in Training? Witnessing a session can provide insight into the trainer’s techniques and effectiveness.
  4. Can I Attend/Participate in a Training Session? This allows you to see firsthand how the trainer interacts with dogs and clients.
  5. Can You Provide References? Ask for testimonials or references from previous clients to gauge satisfaction and success.
  6. Can I review your Contract/Service Agreement? Clarify expectations, terms, and conditions before committing to training sessions.
  7. Do You Offer Group or Private Sessions? Choose based on your dog’s needs and your preference for individualized or group training.
  8. What Experience Do You Have with my Dog’s Breed or Specific Behavioural Issues? Ensure the trainer has relevant experience with your dog’s breed characteristics or any specific behavioural problems.
  9. What Tools (if any) are used in the Training Process? When are they used? Understand the tools such as treats, toys, markers, clickers, or collars used during training and their purpose.
  10. How Do You Handle Behavioural Issues or Aggression? Assess their expertise in dealing with challenging behaviours and their approach to aggression management.
  11. What is the Expected Duration of Training? Have realistic expectations about the time commitment required to achieve training goals.
  12. Are You Certified or Accredited? Where did you receive your training? Certification or accreditation indicates a commitment to professional standards and ongoing education.
  13. What Follow-up Support is Provided? For How Long? Inquire about follow-up sessions or support offered after the initial training to reinforce learning and address any issues that arise.

These questions should help you gather comprehensive information to make an informed decision about choosing the right dog trainer.

Look for a Dog Trainer that is Properly Educated and Professionally Trained

Choosing a trainer with sufficient skills and knowledge is crucial, but it’s important to note that trainers are not required to undergo formal programs. This means anyone can claim to be a canine expert. To ensure the trainer you choose is knowledgeable in dog training, consider looking for someone who is certified.

However, not all highly skilled professionals have formal certifications. Some have gained expertise through apprenticeships or experience in fields like zoology, the military, or law enforcement. If a trainer without certification seems promising, inquire about their background and how they acquired their skills.

There are various certifications and associations within the dog training field. Here are a few examples:

    These certifications can indicate a commitment to professional standards and ongoing education in dog training.

    Always Read Customer Testimonials

    Once you’ve identified several potential trainers, narrow down your choices by reading customer testimonials. It’s essential to review both positive and negative feedback to gain insight into the trainer’s effectiveness.

    Look Up the Trainer on Social Media

    Another helpful step is to look up any trainers you’re considering on social media, where many have business accounts. Check their posts to understand their training philosophy and ensure it aligns with your values and prioritizes your dog’s well-being.

    Pay attention to photos of their clients’ dogs. Happy and relaxed dogs—indicated by loose bodies and neutral positions of ears and tails—while working with the trainer are positive signs.

    Finding a skilled dog trainer, you can trust is crucial for your dog’s well-being and your peace of mind. Take the time to do thorough research and follow the steps outlined in this article to get started today.

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